2013年9月、ジュリアード音楽院学長賞(Juilliard President’s Medal)を授
★ジュリアード音楽院学長賞 表彰理由

ジュリアード音楽院学長賞は、芸術およびジュリアードに対し、重要なロールモデルとなる、比類なき影響を与えた個人に贈られる賞であります。今日、この特別なる栄誉を半田様に授与させていただけることを、心からお慶び申し上げる次第です。~ 原文 ~Dr. Haruhisa Handa and IFAC
You have achieved remarkable success not only as an international entrepreneur but also as an artist, educator, and philanthropist. A modern renaissance man, you have performed as an opera singer, Noh actor, and dancer, and are also a composer and arranger, poet, calligrapher, painter, and prolific author. In your role as Chairman of the International Foundation for Arts and Culture, which you founded in 1996, you have provided substantial financial support for the arts and artists in Japan, the U.S., and several other countries. The Juilliard School is deeply honored to be a recipient of IFAC’s munificence.
Your impressive academic background includes a degree in economics from Doshisha University in Kyoto, graduate studies in voice at Japan’s prestigious Musashino Academia Musicae, and multiple masters’ and doctoral degrees. Today, you serve as the director of more than a dozen companies and organizations worldwide as well as Chancellor of the University of Cambodia. As an international philanthropist, you have championed a diverse array of causes from opera to Shinto studies to enhancing the quality of life for the visually impaired. In Cambodia alone, your humanitarian endeavors include the construction of a 24-hour free emergency hospital, schools, and an orphanage.
A passionate opera lover, you have served as head of the Totoami Opera Company of Japan and made your own debut with the company in 1997, presenting such roles as Sarastro, Figaro, and Falstaff. Through IFAC, you have made a tremendous impact on opera at Juilliard, providing significant funding for a Visiting Chair in Vocal Arts, staged opera productions at the School, and the IFAC-Juilliard Prize Singing Competition, which identifies and provides scholarships for talented young Japanese singers to study at the School. Today, I am honored to present you with Juilliard’s President’s Medal, a special award for individuals who have made an indelible impact on the arts and served as important role models for the profession and for Juilliard.